how much decking oil do i need

How Much Decking Oil Do I Need? Here’s the Scoop!

Last Updated on January 27, 2023

Do you ever wonder how much decking oil do I need to keep my outdoor area looking great? With the right tools and a bit of know-how, it’s easier than you think! From calculating the amount of oil needed for your deck size to choosing the best product on the market and applying it correctly, we’ll guide you through every step. So don’t worry if you’re feeling overwhelmed – our blog post has all that information in one place so that even first-time DIYers can achieve beautiful results with ease. Get ready to find out exactly how much decking oil do I need today!

Table of Contents:

Calculating the Amount of Decking Oil Needed

When it comes to calculating the amount of decking oil needed for your outdoor space, there are a few factors you need to consider. The size of your deck is one of the most important elements when determining how much oil you’ll need. Generally speaking, larger decks will require more oil than smaller ones.

For example, if you have a small deck that measures 5m x 3m (15 square metres), then around 1 litre of decking oil should be enough to cover it. However, if your deck is larger and measures 10m x 4m (40 square metres), then you may need up to 2 litres or even more, depending on its condition and porosity.

It’s also worth noting that different types of wood can absorb different amounts of oils, too – so make sure you take this into account when making calculations as well. Softwoods such as pine tend to absorb less oil than hardwoods like oak or teak – so bear this in mind before purchasing any products.

Finally, it is always best practice to apply two coats rather than just one – especially if the wood has been exposed to harsh weather conditions over time which could have caused damage or discolouration. This means that double the amount of product would be required for each coat; so if 1 litre was enough for a single coat on a 15 square metre area, then 2 litres would be needed for two coats instead.

Choosing the Right Decking Oil

a nice deck in the garden

When it comes to maintaining your deck, choosing the right type of oil is essential. Decking oils come in a variety of types, and each one has its own unique benefits. The most common types are natural oils such as linseed or tung oil, semi-transparent stains, and clear finishes.

Natural Oils: Natural oils such as linseed or tung oil penetrate deep into the wood fibres providing excellent protection from moisture and UV rays while also enhancing the colour of the wood grain. They’re easy to apply but require frequent maintenance due to their tendency to wear off quickly when exposed to water or sun.

Semi-Transparent Stains: Semi-transparent stains provide more coverage than natural oils but still allow some of the wood’s texture and colour to show through. These products offer better protection against water damage but may need occasional touch-ups if they start wearing away too quickly due to heavy foot traffic or exposure to harsh weather conditions.

Clear Finishes: Clear finishes are designed for decks that don’t need any additional colouring or staining; they simply protect against moisture and UV rays without changing the look of your decking boards at all. This type of product offers maximum protection with minimal effort since it doesn’t require any regular maintenance beyond an occasional cleaning with soap and water every few months.

When it comes to choosing the right decking oil, it is important to consider the type of wood you have and the weather conditions in your area. Now that you’ve chosen a suitable oil, let’s look at how to apply it properly.

Key Takeaway: When choosing a decking oil, consider the type of protection you need. Natural oils penetrate deep into wood fibres and enhance colour but require frequent maintenance; semi-transparent stains offer better coverage and protection; clear finishes provide maximum protection with minimal effort.

Applying Decking Oil

Applying decking oil is an important part of maintaining your outdoor living space. It helps protect the wood from water damage, fading, and cracking. To get the best results from your decking oil, it’s important to follow a few simple steps.

applying decking oil using a brush

Preparing Your Deck: Before applying any product to your deck, make sure you clean it thoroughly with a pressure washer or scrub brush and soapy water. This will remove dirt and debris that could interfere with the effectiveness of the oil. Allow plenty of time for the surface to dry before moving on to step two.

Application: Once your deck is completely dry, you can begin applying the oil using either a roller or brush, depending on what type of finish you want (brush for more texture). Start at one end and work in long strokes across each board until all surfaces are covered evenly. Make sure not to over-apply, as this can cause pooling which can lead to warping or discolouration down the line.

Clean Up: After the application is complete, be sure to clean up any excess product that may have spilt onto other areas, such as railings or furniture pieces nearby. Use a damp cloth followed by a dry cloth for best results. Also, remember to properly dispose of any used rags according to local regulations – never throw them away in regular trash cans.

Finally, give your newly treated deck some extra love by adding accessories like outdoor cushions or planters. These will help bring out its natural beauty even more while protecting it from future wear and tear.

Key Takeaway: To get the best results from your decking oil, follow these steps: Clean with a pressure washer or soapy water; Apply using a roller brush; Clean up any excess product; Add accessories for extra protection.


In conclusion, when it comes to knowing how much decking oil you need for your project, there are a few things to consider. You should first calculate the amount of decking oil needed based on the size of your deck and then choose the right type of product that best suits your needs. Finally, make sure you apply the decking oil correctly in order to get optimal results and protect your outdoor space from wear and tear. With these tips in mind, you can now confidently answer the question, “how much decking oil do I need?”

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