How Much Does It Cost to Fit an Electric Shower? A Pricey Shock!

Last Updated on February 16, 2023

Are you thinking about getting an electric shower installed in your home? You’re probably wondering how much does it cost to fit an electric shower. Well, the answer depends on a few factors – whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a professional and what type of model you decide upon. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of electric shower installation costs in the UK so that you can make an informed decision when selecting your new bathroom fixture. Whether DIY or hiring out, let’s explore all the options available for installing your shiny new electric shower!

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Electric Shower Installation Costs

Electric Shower Installation Costs

The average cost of electric shower installation in the UK is around £300 to £500. This includes labour costs, materials and any other associated costs such as VAT. However, this can vary depending on a number of factors.

Factors Affecting Installation Costs

The size and type of electric shower you choose will have an impact on the overall cost of installation. For example, installing a larger power shower with multiple jets may be more expensive than installing a standard model with one jet due to additional labour and material costs. The complexity of the job will also affect the price – if there are existing plumbing issues or difficult access points that need to be addressed, then it could increase the total cost significantly. Additionally, if you require additional services such as tiling or plastering work, this should also be considered when budgeting for your project.

Tips for Reducing Installation Costs

Electric shower installation costs can vary depending on the type of shower, location and other factors. Knowing what to expect before you begin your project can help you make an informed decision and ensure a successful DIY electric shower installation.

Key Takeaway: The cost of electric shower installation can vary depending on the size, type and complexity of the job. To reduce costs, consider: 1. The size and type of electric shower 2. Complexity of the job 3. Additional services needed.

Installing an Electric Shower

a bathroom with a big round shower

Pros and Cons of DIY Installation: Installing an electric shower yourself can be a great way to save money, but it is important to weigh the pros and cons before taking on this project. On the plus side, you’ll have complete control over the installation process and will know exactly what has been done. However, there are some risks associated with DIY installations that should not be overlooked. These include potential electrical hazards due to improper wiring or incorrect connections, as well as water damage from leaks or poor plumbing work.

Tools Needed for DIY Installation: If you decide to install your own electric shower, make sure you have all the necessary tools on hand before beginning the job. You’ll need basic plumbing supplies such as wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers and pipe cutters; electrical items like wire strippers and voltage testers; safety gear including goggles and gloves; as well as a few specialised tools such as an ohmmeter for testing resistance in wires.

Safety should always be your top priority when working with electricity or water systems in your home. Make sure you understand how each component works before attempting any repairs or modifications on your own. Be aware of any local building codes that may apply to your project; these could affect everything from where pipes are routed to which type of materials must be used in certain areas of the house. Additionally, if you feel uncomfortable doing a repair yourself, do not attempt it – call a professional instead.

DIY electric shower installation can be a cost-effective way to upgrade your bathroom, but it’s important to consider the safety risks involved.

Key Takeaway: DIY electric shower installation can be a great way to save money, but it is important to have the right tools and understand safety risks before beginning. Tools needed include plumbing supplies, electrical items, safety gear, and specialised tools like an ohmmeter.

Hiring an Electrician for Professional Installation

a bathroom with a black shower system

Hiring an electrician for professional installation of your electric shower can be a great way to ensure the job is done correctly and safely. Professional installation also offers several other benefits, such as cost savings and peace of mind. Here are some tips on finding the right electrician for the job and questions to ask before hiring them.

Benefits of Professional Installation: Hiring a professional electrician for your electric shower installation will provide you with many advantages that DIYers cannot get from doing it themselves. A professional will have all the necessary tools, knowledge, experience, and expertise to install your new shower quickly and efficiently without any mistakes or problems occurring down the line. Additionally, they may be able to offer advice on energy-saving options or ways to improve performance that you wouldn’t have thought about yourself.

Finding the Right Electrician for the Job: When looking for an experienced electrician in your area who specializes in installing showers, it’s important to do research beforehand, so you know what kind of service they offer and how much they charge. Ask friends or family members if they can recommend someone reliable who has worked on their own home projects before; this could save time searching online reviews or calling around different companies. You should also check whether potential contractors are certified by a reputable organization like NICEIC (National Inspection Council For Electrical Installation Contracting). This means they meet certain standards set out by industry experts, which guarantee quality workmanship at competitive prices – giving you added peace of mind when choosing an installer.

Once you’ve found a few potential candidates who fit within your budget range, make sure you ask them plenty of questions about their qualifications and experience before making any decisions – this includes asking them about their insurance policies too. It is also wise to inquire about any additional costs associated with installing an electric shower, such as materials needed or labour charges per hour/day etc., so there are no surprises once work begins. Finally, don’t forget to ask if there is anything else included in their quote – some companies may include aftercare services like maintenance checks free-of-charge while others might not mention these until later stages in negotiations – always double-check everything upfront just in case.

Key Takeaway: Hiring a professional electrician for your electric shower installation can save you time and money, as well as provide peace of mind. Make sure to research potential contractors, ask questions about qualifications and experience, inquire about additional costs, and double-check if anything else is included in their quote.


Installing an electric shower can be a great way to upgrade your bathroom and give yourself the luxury of hot water on demand. However, it’s important to understand the costs associated with this project before you begin. Depending on whether you choose to install it yourself or hire a professional electrician, the cost of fitting an electric shower can vary significantly. In any case, understanding how much does it cost to fit an electric shower is key in order for you to make sure that your budget allows for all necessary expenses.

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