how to clean a hedge trimmer

How to Clean a Hedge Trimmer: A Step-by-Step Guide

Last Updated on February 3, 2023

Maintaining your garden can be a tedious job, especially when it comes to cleaning and sharpening the tools you use. But don’t let that put you off – with just a few simple steps, you’ll soon have your hedge trimmer looking as good as new. Cleaning a hedge trimmer doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming; follow our guide below, and in no time at all, you’ll know exactly how to clean a hedge trimmer like an expert. We’ve broken down each step into easy-to-follow headings, so even if this is your first foray into DIY gardening maintenance, there’s nothing stopping you from getting started right away.

Table of Contents:

Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin cleaning your hedge trimmer, it is important to gather the necessary supplies. This will make the process much easier and more efficient.

You will need a bucket of warm water, a soft cloth or rag, and a brush with stiff bristles. The brush should be small enough to fit between the blades of your trimmer so that you can get into all those hard-to-reach places. If you don’t have one on hand, most hardware stores sell brushes specifically designed for this purpose.

In addition to these items, you may also want to have some lubricating oil handy in case any parts are sticking or not moving as smoothly as they should be. It is also recommended that you wear gloves while handling sharp objects such as blades and screws to protect yourself from cuts and scrapes. Finally, make sure that there is plenty of light available so that you can see what you are doing clearly without straining your eyes too much.

Gather all the necessary supplies before you start cleaning your hedge trimmer, such as a soft cloth, lubricating oil and a brush. Now that you have everything ready, it’s time to begin disassembling the trimmer.

Disassemble the Trimmer

cutting hedge using an electric tool

Before attempting to disassemble the trimmer, make sure it is unplugged, and all moving parts have stopped. This will help prevent any accidents or injuries while working on the device.

Begin by removing the blade guard from the trimmer head. Depending on your trimmer, this may require a screwdriver or other tool for removal. Once removed, you should be able to access two screws that hold the blades in place. Using an appropriate-sized screwdriver, remove these screws and set them aside in a safe location where they won’t get lost or damaged during reassembly later on.

Once both screws are removed, carefully lift off the top cover of the trimmer head, which holds both blades in place. Be careful not to drop either blade as you remove it from its housing, as this could cause damage to both pieces and result in poor performance when using your trimmer again later on down the line.

Once both blades are now free from their housing within the trimmer head, inspect each one closely for signs of wear, such as nicks along its edges or rust spots along its surface area, before setting them aside for cleaning separately with some warm soapy water and a soft cloth if necessary. Make sure they are completely dry before proceeding with reassembly later on down the line once everything else has been cleaned up properly too.

Now that the trimmer is disassembled, it’s time to move on to cleaning the blades.

Clean the Blades

When it comes to cleaning the blades of your trimmer, you’ll need a few supplies. Gather up an old toothbrush, some warm water and a soft cloth. Start by disassembling the trimmer so that you can access the blades easily. Once they are exposed, use the toothbrush to remove any debris or dirt that may have accumulated on them.

Next, take your warm water and dampen your cloth with it before gently wiping down each blade in turn. This will help to loosen any remaining dirt or grime from their surfaces without damaging them in any way. You should also make sure to clean both sides of each blade for the best results.

If there is still some stubborn dirt stuck on there, then try using some mild detergent mixed into warm water instead. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this could damage or scratch the metal surface of your trimmer’s blades.

Once the blades are clean, make sure to dry them thoroughly before reassembling and testing your hedge trimmer. Now let’s move on to reassembling and testing.

Reassemble and Test

cutting the plants using eletric cutter

Reassembling the trimmer is a simple process, but it’s important to make sure everything is put back together correctly. Begin by lining up the blade and the trimmer head so that they fit snugly together. Secure them with screws or bolts, depending on your model of trimmer. Once you have reattached the blades, it’s time to test out your work.

To do this, plug in your trimmer and turn it on. Make sure that all parts are working properly and there are no strange noises coming from the motor or any other part of the machine. If everything looks good, then you can begin trimming again.

If you notice anything off about how your trimmer runs after reassembly—such as vibrations or an unusual sound—then shut off the power immediately and inspect each component for signs of damage or wear and tear before continuing use. It may be necessary to replace certain parts if they appear worn down too much over time; otherwise, just double-check that all connections are secure before using them again.

FAQs in Relation to How to Clean a Hedge Trimmer

What is the best way to clean a hedge trimmer?

To clean a hedge trimmer, start by removing any debris from the blades. Then, use a soft cloth or brush to wipe away dirt and grime. Next, fill a bucket with warm water and add mild detergent. Submerge the trimmer in the solution for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. Finally, dry it thoroughly using an old towel or cloth before storing it safely away. Regular cleaning will help keep your hedge trimmer in top condition and ensure safe operation for years to come.

Can you use WD-40 on the hedge trimmer?

Yes, WD-40 can be used on hedge trimmers. It is a multi-purpose lubricant and protectant that helps to prevent rust and corrosion while also helping to loosen stuck parts. Additionally, it can help reduce friction between moving parts which will improve the performance of your hedge trimmer. However, it is important to note that WD-40 should not be used as a substitute for regular oiling or greasing of the blades and other components of your hedge trimmer. Doing so could cause damage in the long run due to a lack of proper lubrication.

How do you clean resin off a hedge trimmer?

To clean resin off a hedge trimmer, start by wearing protective gloves and safety glasses. Then, use a soft brush to remove any large chunks of debris from the blades. Next, apply an all-purpose cleaner or degreaser to the blades and scrub with a nylon brush. Rinse with water and dry thoroughly before storing away. If there is still residue left on the blades after cleaning, you can try using rubbing alcohol or mineral spirits for tougher spots. Make sure to rinse again when finished and store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

How do you take care of a hedge trimmer?

Hedge trimmers are an essential tool for maintaining your garden. To ensure it works properly and lasts a long time, regular maintenance is key. Start by cleaning the blades with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or debris. Then sharpen the blades regularly using a sharpening stone or file. Additionally, check for loose screws and bolts on the trimmer and tighten them if necessary. Finally, lubricate moving parts with oil to keep them running smoothly. With these simple steps, you can keep your hedge trimmer in top condition.


Now that you have followed the steps to clean your hedge trimmer, it’s time to put it back together and test it out. With a few simple supplies and a bit of elbow grease, you can keep your hedge trimmer in tip-top shape for years to come. Cleaning a hedge trimmer is an important part of its maintenance – so don’t forget about this crucial step.

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