How to Descale a Hot Water Dispenser

How to Descale a Hot Water Dispenser: Banish Build-up in 2 Easy Ways

Last Updated on January 10, 2023

Water is beneficial to our health. But when it’s filled with chemicals and limescale, it doesn’t become so healthy. It is important to clean and descale your hot water dispenser regularly to prevent malfunction.

In today’s article, we are going to teach you how to descale a hot water dispenser. In this way, you’re ensuring your appliance is in good condition so you can continue enjoying clean and fresh-tasting hot water.

Why You Need to Maintain a Hot Water Dispenser

There are so many benefits to owning a hot water dispenser. However, a hot water dispenser requires regular maintenance to keep it in optimum condition. This is primarily because the minerals that are in boiling water stick to the dispenser’s internal components and results in the formation of limescale, which is a combination of calcium and salt.

Although limescale isn’t actually harmful, it can have tremendous negative effects on your hot water dispenser. First, it could cause damage to the appliance. If the components on the inside of your hot water dispenser become damaged, some of the chemicals can mix into your drinking water. And these chemicals can cause some serious health effects, not to mention that it’s not pleasant to think about while you’re home brewing.

In addition, a build-up of limescale impacts the appliance’s energy efficiency. With a lot of limescale sticking to the components, your hot water dispenser finds it more difficult to create a consistent water supply and produce instant hot water. But your water dispenser won’t just give up; it’ll work even harder to create instant hot water, which can actually increase your energy bill. This could also drastically shorten the life span of your appliance.

How Often to Descale a Hot Water Dispenser

The number of times you clean your appliance depends on the hardness of the water in your area. If you live in an area with hard water, you may need to descale once a month. Whether you have hard or soft water only depends on the type of minerals that you can find in your tap water. Hard water is more prone to cause limescale due to its high calcium and magnesium content.

Using Citric Acid to Remove Limescale

Fill your hot water dispenser with clean water to the maximum water tank level.

Mix your chosen citric acid-based descaling product with hot water and thoroughly stir it in to dilute. After mixing the descaling product with the hot water, pour the solution back into the water tank and leave it to sit. This will depend on the descaling solution used, so be sure to read the instructions thoroughly.

After the recommended time, press the ‘start’ button and it’ll begin to pour out clean water. After each cup has filled, be sure to discard it before pressing the button again. This technique also allows you to see the difference as your water begins to run clear.

Repeat these steps until you’ve used all of the water in the dispenser, continually putting the dirty water from the cup down the sink. Once the water level is at a minimum, remove the remaining water into the sink. You might have a cup of water left, but this is okay.

Finally, you will need to rinse it out and be sure to get rid of any leftover residue. You can do this using the same process. As before, fill the hot water dispenser with fresh water to the maximum level and place an empty, clean cup on the drip tray.

Next, press the start button and wait until the water empties into the cup. Discard the water and repeat until the water is at the minimum level. You can then empty out the water from the reservoir and fill it up with clean water. The dispenser should now be thoroughly cleaned and ready for use.

Moreover, if you’ll be going on vacation or don’t plan on using your hot water dispenser for quite some time, ensure that you empty any leftover water from the tank. Then, boil the water several times and discard it down the sink. This process helps to clean out the water and without requiring vinegar or citric acid and keep it limescale-free until the next use.

Vinegar as a Descaler

Will vinegar damage a hot water dispenser? No. In fact, one of the ways to descale a water dispenser is to mix vinegar with water. Vinegar is actually a great alternative to using citric acid to clean your hot water dispenser and will have the same effect as using a store-bought descaler. Fortunately, white vinegar is inexpensive and easy to find in a variety of supermarkets, and it replaces the need to purchase a descaler.

Begin the cleaning process by mixing one cup vinegar with one cup of water. Stir the solution to make sure it’s properly mixed. Then, add it to the water tank and close the lid. Leave the solution to stand for anywhere between 30 minutes up to 1 hour.

Place an empty mug on the drip tray and press the start button to begin the cleaning process. Wait for the water to dispense into the cup then discard the contents from the cup into the sink. Continue these steps until the water in the reservoir is at the minimum level.

Finally, remove the lid from the instant hot water dispenser and empty the solution from the reservoir into the sink. Then, fill the reservoir with clean water to the maximum level. Place a cup on the drip tray and start the process to thoroughly rinse the components. Once this is complete, rinse the water tank several times to remove any remaining vinegar or citric acid from the pot. You can then place clean water into the instant hot water dispenser and resume use as normal.

Cleaning the Exterior of Hot Water Dispensers

removable drip trayWhile you’re focusing your attention on cleaning the inside of your appliance, it makes sense to add the same level of care to the outside. First, unplug the appliance and grab a clean, damp cloth.

Using gentle circular motions to wipe down every surface; be sure to remove things like dust or dirt that has accumulated. As a part of regular maintenance for your machine, you should get into the habit of wiping down the outside of your water dispenser frequently with a clean rag so it doesn’t become a chore. If you notice a mark, you might need to use vinegar or a cleaning solution made from mild soap mixed with water to remove any stains.

Finally, rub it with a dry paper towel to absorb any excess moisture or cleaning product. If your dispenser has a stainless steel finish, you can apply a special formula for a more polished surface. Refer to the manual for recommended products or a suggested solution to restore the appliance back to its best state.

On some models, the drip tray is removable and even dishwasher safe for added convenience and easy cleaning.

Final Thoughts

A hot water dispenser is a hugely beneficial kitchen appliance, and you’re probably wondering how you used to survive without one. More people are investing in appliances as a way of making their lives easier and adding more versatility to their kitchens.

Now you know how to descale a hot water dispenser, you can prevent any damage from happening by keeping it clean and well-maintained. Opt for vinegar or a descaling product to prevent the build-up of limescale. If you’re unsure of whether it needs cleaning, it could be worth investing in water test kits to check the health of the water in your area. It is also worth getting in touch with the manufacturer if you have anything to ask about your appliance, or if descaling does produce the desired effect.

What model of hot water dispenser do you have and how often do you descale it? Or do you have any alternative cleaning solutions? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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