How to Fix a Sagging Memory Foam Mattress

How to Fix a Sagging Memory Foam Mattress – 3 Easy Ways

Last Updated on January 10, 2023

Perhaps your memory foam mattress was your pride and joy when you first bought it – something that helped you to enjoy the perfect night’s sleep once again. The right foam mattress can eliminate neck pain, back issues, and joint problems, by supporting you in any sleeping position.

With memory foam, you can eliminate pressure points completely, and feel like you’re sleeping on a cloud. Of course, for that kind of quality sleep, you often spend a little bit extra on luxury foam experiences. That’s why it’s always so disappointing when your mattresses start to sag.

A saggy mattress is a common problem among memory foam lovers. The more you use your mattress, the more wear and tear will eventually eat away at the structure. Fortunately, you can potentially fix a saggy mattress, without giving up and buying a new bed.

So if you want to learn how to fix a sagging memory foam mattress, here’s what you need to know.

Why Does My Memory Foam Mattress Sink in the Middle?

family of four sleeping togetherNo matter what kind of bed you have, from a latex mattress to a standard spring coil, it’s important to remember that it’s not going to last forever. Even the most expensive products lose their appeal over time. Remember, your bed is something you use every night. As you sleep, it soaks up moisture, and pressure, while the materials within gradually break down.

Sagging is a common problem with a memory foam mattress, and it often happens towards the middle of the bed. The simple reason behind a sagging mattress is that most of your weight sits in the middle of your mattresses. For a while, a memory foam mattress can adjust to all of your weight and spring back into shape without a problem. Eventually, however, the comfort layer and memory foam of your bedding will begin to deteriorate. Usually, sagging is exacerbated by several factors.

The Way You Sleep

If you curl up in a ball each night in the middle of your bed, spend a lot of time in your bed, or sleep with a partner every day, you’re going to be exposing your bed to extra weight. This weight will naturally cause the mattress to lose its durability over time. The only way you can protect against this is to use the right mattress topper, and a good bed frame to support the foam.

Lack of Support

Memory foam mattresses come with different layers to offer the perfect sleeping experience. The bottom layer is the support layer, and it can help to keep your mattress foundation strong. However, if you’re using a bed foundation with slats that often give way, your mattress support layer is going to lose strength with time.

Improper Care

Like anything of value, memory foam mattresses last longer when you look after them properly. If you regularly look after your mattress, stop it from getting damp, and ensure that you rotate your mattress from time to time, it will last longer. Using things like mattress protectors and a mattress pad can help too.

3 Ways to Fix a Sagging Mattress

If you woke up with back and neck pain because your memory foam mattress sags in a few places, don’t panic. There are some techniques available to fix sagging that may be able to help. Try these options before you go shopping for a new foam mattress.

1. Use a Mattress Pad or Mattress Topper

topper on bedOne of the easiest ways to solve a problem with sagging memory foam is to simply investigate buying mattress toppers or a mattress pad. Toppers can improve the quality of your sleep by giving you another layer of comfortable memory foam that evens out any dipping or sagging. A mattress topper won’t be a permanent solution to the problem, as there’s a chance that this memory foam will begin to dent and sag over time, too. However, your topper can make your bed last a little longer until you’re ready to buy a new mattress.

A mattress topper or mattress pad will work best if you’re only dealing with a little sagging in your mattress. A few bumps and dips measuring a couple of inches should be fine. A heavy dip in your mattress won’t respond well to a topper. Keep in mind that a mattress topper is usually a little thicker than a mattress pad, so it could be ideal if you’re dealing with larger dips, or you’re worried that your weight will sink straight through to the mattress below.

2. Give Your Mattress More Support

A mattress topper or pad helps to smooth the surface of your sagging mattress when the problem is the foam itself. If you’re dealing with mattress sagging because of a frame problem, you need to take a different approach. A new mattress or mattress topper won’t do much if your current bedframe can’t support foam correctly.

Look at the kind of memory foam beds that are most likely to support a good mattress. Slats may not be ideal if you have a softer foam base, because there isn’t as much support available. Using extra slats or mattress helpers can give your bedding more stability, to fight back against sag. With a mattress helper under an old mattress, you could discover that your mattress problem had nothing to do with the foam at all.

If you can’t find a suitable “bed helper”, then consider looking into a simpler solution. Plywood or cardboard can offer some additional support on the underside of your mattress to reduce an uneven surface. Ensure you have plenty of material under the sagging area to stop it from dipping through the slats and replace the plywood or cardboard regularly.

3. Rotate or Flip the Mattress

If you can’t fix your mattress issues with a high-quality memory foam topper or a piece of plywood to enhance the strength of the frame, there’s one last option. As any bedding article will tell you, flipping or rotating your mattresses regularly can help to reduce the severity of your sagging issue. When you rotate your mattress, you ensure that all parts of the mattress get an even amount of wear. This means that your mattress may last a little longer.

Rotating is likely to be the only option for most memory foam mattresses that start to sag. That’s because the bottom layer on a one-sided foam mattress doesn’t have the same comfort features. However, if you’ve specifically chosen a double-sided memory foam mattress, you can look into the instructions provided by the manufacturer for flipping it.

A memory foam mattress with two sides means you can avoid using memory foam mattress toppers for a little longer, as you just place the mattress so that the opposite side faces upwards every so often. This won’t stop you from ever experiencing a sagging memory foam mattress, but you might be able to hold onto your mattress for longer.

Notably, memory foam mattresses that you can flip aren’t always better than the alternative. The lack of a sturdy support layer on your foam mattresses could mean that they don’t provide as much support or balance. You may need to consider your options carefully if you want to eliminate back pain.

Steps to Prevent Foam Mattresses From Sagging

If you’ve tried all our advice above on how to fix a sagging memory foam mattress, and you’re still not seeing results, then you might be out of luck. If you can’t fix a sagging memory foam mattress, your best option is to buy a new one and remember to care for it as much as possible going forward.

To stop yourself from dealing with one sagging mattress after another, make sure that you follow the guidelines provided by your memory foam mattress manufacturer. You should be able to find an article or guidance on their website. Usually, your manufacturer will tell you to rotate your foam mattress frequently to spread the wear out evenly. Other tips include:

1. Protect Your Foam Mattress

There are various products out there that can help you to avoid a sagging memory foam mattress just by protecting the foam. A mattress protector, for instance, will defend your mattress against moisture which can harm the structure of the foam.

2. Get the Base Right

So you don’t have to invest in a mattress helper later, make sure you have the right base from day one. The nature of a memory foam mattress means it will perform better on a box base, rather than on a bed frame with slats. If you don’t want to change your mattress base, invest in a mattress helper early to avoid damage.

3. Avoid Heat and Moisture

Memory foam can break down when exposed to certain conditions. If you want your memory foam mattress to last long term make sure you know how to clean your bedding safely, without exposing it to too much moisture. A cleaning solution with minimal moisture content is ideal. Excess heat can destroy the structure of the foam and cause sagging. Don’t blow dry your bedding.

4. Care for Your Bed

If you want to avoid a sagging memory foam mattress, take care of it. Don’t allow your kids to jump on the bed, or use it for anything over than sleep. Prevent pets from sleeping on your bed with you too. Accidents with going to the bathroom or scratches from claws can damage the mattress and cause it to sag

5. Use Mattress Toppers

Don’t be afraid to consider a mattress topper if you start to notice a bit of sag. Using a topper in the early stages of a sagging memory foam mattress can prevent the problem from getting too bad over time.

Making Your Mattress Last Longer

A sagging mattress is a real headache for anyone who’s invested in memory foam. Fortunately, problems with your mattress don’t mean that you need to give up and buy a new mattress straight away. With a bit of help to support the base from a mattress helper and a memory foam mattress topper, you could avoid having to buy a new one for another couple of years.

Time is of the essence if you want to get the best results, of course. As soon as you begin to notice that sag, jump into action to avoid further deterioration, and rectify the issue.

We hope the tips we shared will help prolong the lifespan of your mattress. If you have tips of your own on how to fix bed sagging, do let us know in the comments section below!

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