Last Updated on February 16, 2023
Do you dread stepping into your bathroom on a cold winter morning only to be hit by the icy chill of an extractor fan? It’s time to put a stop to that! Cold air coming through bathroom extractors fans is one of those pesky problems that can really take away from your home comfort. But don’t worry – we’ve got some great tips for how to stop it once and for all. From checking seals and insulating around the fan right up to installing heat recovery ventilators – our guide will show you everything you need to get rid of chilly drafts in no time at all. So if you’re ready to make sure cold air stays where it belongs (outside!), let’s dive in and see what steps we can take today towards stopping cold air coming through your bathroom extractor fan!
Table of Contents:
- Check the Extractor Fan’s Seal
- Insulate Around the Extractor Fan
- Install a Heat Recovery Ventilator
- Conclusion
Check the Extractor Fan’s Seal
It is important to check the seal around your extractor fan. If there are any gaps, these need to be filled in with a silicone sealant, and the fan needs to be firmly secured in place. This will ensure that it works efficiently and effectively, as well as prevent moisture from entering your home.
When checking the seal of an extractor fan, you should first look for any visible signs of damage or wear and tear. If there are any cracks or holes in the seal, then this could indicate that it needs replacing altogether. It’s also worth examining whether the edges of the seal have become loose over time; if they have, then they may need reattaching using some adhesive tape or a similar product.
In addition to looking at physical signs of damage, you should also pay attention to how airtight your extractor fan is when running – if you can feel air coming through, then this suggests that there may be gaps which need sealing up. To test this out further, try placing a piece of paper near where the exhaust meets its casing; if it flutters away, then this indicates that air is escaping somewhere along its path and therefore requires attention.
Finally, once all potential issues have been identified and addressed (such as replacing seals/adhesive tapes etc.), make sure that everything has been properly fitted into place before switching on again. No matter how small a gap might seem initially, even tiny amounts of airflow can affect performance significantly over time so take extra care when fitting new parts.
Checking the extractor fan’s seal is an important first step in preventing cold air from entering your bathroom. By taking a few minutes to insulate around the fan, you can further ensure that your home stays warm and comfortable all year round.
Insulate Around the Extractor Fan

Insulating around the extractor fan is a great way to keep cold air from entering your bathroom. It’s an easy and cost-effective solution that can also help you save on energy bills.
When it comes to insulating around the extractor fan, there are two main options: foam insulation strips or expanding foam. Foam insulation strips are thin pieces of foam that fit snugly between the fan and wall, creating a seal that prevents cold air from entering. Expanding foam is also effective for sealing gaps in walls and other areas where cold air may be coming in. Simply spray it into any crevices or cracks until they’re filled up completely.
If you don’t have access to either of these materials, then you can use caulk instead. Caulk is a flexible material that will create an airtight seal when applied correctly. Just make sure to apply it evenly, so there aren’t any gaps left behind for cold air to enter through.
It’s important to note that insulating around the extractor fan isn’t just about keeping out cold drafts; it also helps reduce noise levels in your bathroom as well. This makes it especially useful if you live in a busy area with lots of traffic noise outside your home. By properly insulating your extractor fan, you’ll be able to enjoy some peace and quiet while taking care of business inside your bathroom.
Finally, remember to not forget about ventilation when installing insulation around the extractor fan. This will ensure adequate airflow throughout your bathroom without compromising its temperature control capabilities. If done correctly, insulating around the extractor fan should provide both comfort and savings all year round – what more could one ask for?
Insulating around the extractor fan can help to prevent cold air from entering your bathroom. However, if you want a more comprehensive solution, installing a heat recovery ventilator is another great option.
Install a Heat Recovery Ventilator
Heat recovery ventilators (HRVs) are a great way to keep your home comfortable and energy efficient. By exchanging stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, HRVs help maintain an even temperature throughout the house while reducing cold drafts from extractor fans. Not only does this make for a more pleasant living environment, but it can also save you money on heating or cooling costs in the long run.
What is a Heat Recovery Ventilator?
A heat recovery ventilator (HRV) is an energy-efficient ventilation system that helps regulate temperatures inside your home by drawing in fresh outside air and expelling stale indoor air. The two streams of air pass through separate channels within the unit, allowing them to exchange heat without mixing together – thus providing both ventilation and temperature control without wasting energy.
How Does It Work?
The HRV works by using a fan to draw in outside air which passes through an insulated core where it exchanges heat with the outgoing stream of stale indoor air before being expelled back into the atmosphere. This process ensures that incoming warm or cool outdoor temperatures are balanced out with outgoing temperatures from inside your home, resulting in less need for additional heating or cooling systems such as radiators or AC units respectively.
Benefits of Installing an HRV:

Installing an HRV has many benefits beyond just saving on energy costs; they also help improve overall comfort levels inside your home by eliminating drafts caused by extractor fans and other vents, as well as improving humidity levels during winter months when dryness can be a problem due to central heating systems running constantly at full blast. Additionally, they reduce condensation build-up around windows and doors, which can lead to mould growth if left unchecked over time – making them especially beneficial for those who suffer from allergies or asthma-related issues caused by damp environments indoors.
Installation Considerations:
When installing an HRV, there are several factors to consider beforehand. Firstly, ensure that you have enough space available near any existing ducts for easier installation; alternatively, wall-mounted models may be preferable depending on the type of property. Secondly, check whether any local building regulations apply regarding insulation requirements before proceeding further, as these vary between different regions. Finally, make sure all electrical connections meet safety standards set out by governing bodies such as NICEIC/BS7671 etc., as failure to do so could result in costly fines later down the line if something goes wrong after the installation has been completed successfully.
In conclusion, if you’re looking for ways to stop cold air coming through a bathroom extractor fan, then checking the seal of your fan and insulating around it are two great places to start. If you want an even more effective solution, then installing a heat recovery ventilator is worth considering. With these tips in mind, you can keep your bathroom warm and cosy all year round!
Paul is the type of person who never met a problem he couldn’t fix. He can always be found tinkering with something in his house, even if it isn’t broken! His tips and tricks are often shared on our site. He’s the one you call when something breaks because he has been known to improvise fixes for everything from leaky faucets to malfunctioning dryers.