why does my mini fridge smell

Why Does My Mini Fridge Smell? Here’s How to Fix It!

Last Updated on February 6, 2023

It’s not uncommon to open the door of your mini fridge and get a whiff of something unpleasant. If you’ve been wondering, “why does my mini fridge smell?”, then this post is for you! We’ll discuss why these fridges can develop odours, how to get rid of them, some tips on preventing future smells from forming and when it might be time to call in a professional. Keep reading as we explore all that could be causing those strange aromas coming from inside!

Table of Contents:

What Causes Mini Fridges to Smell?

But sometimes, they can start to smell bad. This is usually caused by mould, mildew, food spoilage or pet hair that has built up over time.

Mould and mildew thrive in warm, damp environments – like the inside of your mini fridge. If you don’t clean it regularly with a disinfectant cleaner or vinegar solution, these fungi can grow on surfaces such as shelves and walls. The musty odour from mould and mildew will eventually make its way into your food items if left unchecked.

mould inside the ref

Food spoilage is another common cause of odours in mini fridges. If foods are not stored properly or left for too long before being consumed, bacteria can form on them which causes an unpleasant smell when opened. Spoiled meat should be thrown away immediately to prevent any further contamination from occurring within the fridge itself.

Pet hair is also a potential source of odours in mini fridges because it can trap moisture and dirt particles which create an ideal environment for bacteria growth leading to smelly results. To avoid this problem altogether, always keep pets out of the kitchen area where possible so their fur doesn’t end up inside your appliance accidentally.

Finally, if all else fails then it may be time to call a professional who specialises in refrigerator repair services. They will have access to specialised tools that could help identify any underlying issues causing foul smells coming from your unit, such as blocked vents or faulty seals etc.

It’s important to identify the source of the odour in your mini fridge before attempting to get rid of it. In the next section, we’ll look at how you can effectively remove odours from a mini fridge.

Key Takeaway: The key takeaway is that mini fridges can start to smell bad due to mould, mildew, food spoilage or pet hair. To prevent odours in your fridge: clean regularly with disinfectant vinegar solution; store food properly; keep pets out of the kitchen area; call a professional if needed.

How to Get Rid of Odours in a Mini Fridge

Unfortunately, they can also develop odours over time that can be difficult to get rid of. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to remove these smells from your mini fridge.

Start by cleaning the interior of the fridge with warm water and baking soda or vinegar solution. Make sure to wipe down all surfaces, including shelves and drawers, as well as any removable parts like ice trays or crisper bins. After cleaning, leave the door open for several hours so that air circulates throughout the refrigerator and helps dissipate any remaining odours.

Next, clean the exterior of your mini fridge using a damp cloth and mild detergent if necessary (check manufacturer’s instructions). Pay special attention to areas where dirt accumulates such as handles or vents on the back of the unit; these places often contain bacteria which could contribute to unpleasant smells inside your refrigerator.

Empty out expired items promptly, don’t store anything smelly near an open container, make sure foods are covered tightly before storing them, avoid leaving produce uncovered for long periods of time and try using activated charcoal filters which absorb odours naturally. Replace filters every few months depending on usage frequency and keep condenser coils free from dust accumulation by vacuuming them periodically..

If none of these tips help reduce odours coming from your mini fridge then it might be time to call a professional technician who will inspect both interior and exterior components more thoroughly. This is especially true if you notice strange noises coming from inside when running compressor cycles.

Now let’s move on to some helpful tips for keeping your mini fridge smelling fresh.

Key Takeaway: Clean and maintain your mini fridge regularly to prevent odour buildup, including wiping down the interior with warm water and baking soda vinegar solution, cleaning the exterior of the unit, emptying expired items promptly, storing smelly items in tightly covered containers, using activated charcoal filters and vacuuming condenser coils.

Tips for Keeping Your Mini Fridge Smelling Fresh

Keeping your mini fridge smelling fresh is essential for a pleasant living space. It can be tricky to keep odours at bay, but with some simple tips and tricks, you can make sure that your mini fridge stays odour-free.

Start by regularly cleaning out expired food and any other items that have been in the fridge for too long. This will help reduce the number of bacteria and mould spores that can cause unpleasant smells. Make sure to wipe down all surfaces inside the refrigerator as well, including shelves and drawers. You should also vacuum or sweep around the outside of the appliance to remove dust particles which may contribute to bad odours over time.

Keep pet areas separate from where you store food so there’s no chance of cross-contamination between them. Pet hair, dander, saliva, urine and feces are all sources of foul smells if they get into an enclosed space like a refrigerator.

You should also consider investing in air fresheners specifically designed for refrigerators or even scented candles placed near it – this will help absorb any lingering odours while adding a pleasant scent throughout your home or office space. Additionally, using baking soda on shelves or inside drawers can also help neutralise bad smells before they become overwhelming; just make sure not to use too much as it could leave behind residue when wiped off later on down the line.

By following the tips above, you can keep your mini fridge smelling fresh and make sure that it’s always in top condition. Now let’s look at when to call a professional for help with any potential issues.

Key Takeaway: Keep your mini fridge smelling fresh by regularly cleaning out expired food, wiping down surfaces, keeping pets away, using air fresheners or scented candles, and using baking soda. If all else fails call a professional for help.

When to Call a Professional

When it comes to mini fridges, odours can be a real problem. Even if you keep your fridge clean and tidy, the smell of old food or mildew can still linger. While there are some simple steps you can take to get rid of these smells yourself, sometimes they just won’t go away. That’s when it might be time to call in an appliance repair technician for help.

If You’ve Tried Everything: If you’ve tried all the tips and tricks for getting rid of odours in your mini fridge but nothing has worked, then it may be time to call a professional. A technician will have access to more powerful cleaning solutions that could potentially remove even the toughest odours from your fridge.

Strange Noises: If your mini fridge is making strange noises like rattling or buzzing, this could indicate that something is wrong with its internal components such as the compressor or fan motor. In this case, calling a professional would be wise as they will know how best to diagnose and fix any problems with these parts before they become worse over time.

Leaking Water: Another sign that you should call an appliance repair technician is if water starts leaking out of your mini fridge either onto the floor or into other areas of your home such as cupboards or drawers below it. This could indicate a serious issue with one of its pipes which needs immediate attention by someone who knows what they’re doing.

Key Takeaway: If your mini fridge is emitting strange odours, noises or leaking water, it’s best to call an appliance repair technician for help. They will have access to powerful cleaning solutions and can diagnose any internal component issues before they become worse.

FAQs in Relation to Why Does My Mini Fridge Smell

How do I get rid of the smell in my mini fridge?

activated charcoal filter for the ref

Firstly, make sure the fridge is unplugged and empty before cleaning. Start by wiping down all surfaces with a mild soap and warm water solution. Then, mix equal parts white vinegar and baking soda in a bowl and spread it around the inside of the refrigerator. Leave this mixture for at least 30 minutes before wiping away any residue with a damp cloth or sponge. Finally, place several bowls filled with activated charcoal or coffee grounds throughout the interior of your mini fridge to absorb odours overnight before plugging it back in and stocking up on food again.

Why does my mini fridge have a weird smell?

It is not uncommon for mini fridges to develop a strange smell over time. This is usually caused by food particles and other debris that have been left inside the fridge, which can lead to mould or mildew growth. Remove any spoiled or expired food items. Lastly, you should also make sure that all of the seals on the door are properly sealed so no air can escape and cause odours.

Can you add something inside your mini fridge so it won’t smell bad?

The most effective way is to use an activated charcoal filter. This type of filter absorbs and neutralises odours in the air, making it a great choice for keeping your mini fridge smelling fresh. Additionally, leaving an open box of baking soda in your mini fridge can help absorb any lingering smells. Finally, regularly cleaning out the interior of your mini fridge will help keep it smelling fresh and clean as well.


If you’re asking yourself, “why does my mini fridge smell?”, the answer is probably caused by moulds. But don’t worry, it’s not a lost cause! With some simple cleaning and maintenance tips, you can get rid of odours and keep it smelling fresh. Start by understanding what causes these smells in the first place, then use our tips to tackle them head-on. If all else fails, call a professional for help – they’ll be able to diagnose any underlying issues that may be causing your mini fridge odour woes.

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