do cat repellents affect dogs

Do Cat Repellents Affect Dogs Too? Find Out Now!

Last Updated on February 1, 2023

Cats and dogs have been known to be mortal enemies for centuries, but do cat repellents affect our canine friends too? We all know how cats can cause chaos in the garden by digging up soil or scratching furniture. But if you’re looking into getting a cat repellent to keep your feline friend away from certain areas of your home and garden, is it safe for other animals like dogs? In this blog post, we’ll explore whether cat repellents also impact dogs, as well as tips on protecting them from these products. So before reaching out for that bottle of commercial cat deterrents, read through this article so you can make sure Fido doesn’t suffer any unintended consequences.

Table of Contents:

Do Cat Repellents Affect Dogs?

They come in a variety of forms, including sprays, granules, and electronic devices. While these products are often marketed as being safe for use around pets, they can still have an effect on dogs if used incorrectly or excessively.

The most common type of cat repellent is the spray-on kind. These contain essential oils that emit strong odours that cats find unpleasant but which may also be detected by dogs’ sensitive noses. If your dog inhales too much of this odour, it could cause irritation to their eyes and nose, leading to sneezing and coughing fits. Additionally, some ingredients found in cat repellents can be toxic if ingested, so you should always ensure your pet isn’t able to get at any product containers or residue left behind after spraying them around your home or garden area.

Granular cat repellents work differently than sprays; instead of emitting odours, they create an uncomfortable texture underfoot that cats don’t like walking on but which won’t bother dogs unless they eat them directly off the ground (which we don’t recommend.). Granular products usually contain natural substances such as cayenne pepper or citrus oil, which can irritate a dog’s skin if touched directly – however, this shouldn’t happen unless your pet has been rolling around in the stuff.

Finally, there are electronic devices such as ultrasonic sound emitters which send out high-frequency sounds that only cats can hear. However, depending on how close they are placed to where you want them installed and how powerful the device is set up to be, these may affect other animals nearby. Dogs may experience temporary hearing loss if exposed too closely for extended periods, so take care when using these types of products near pets just in case.

Overall then, while cat repellents do not generally pose a risk to dogs when used correctly, caution should still be taken with all types of products – particularly those containing chemicals – for the safety of both yourself and your four-legged friends.

How to Protect Your Dog from Cat Repellents

a white cat repellent on the ground

To protect your dog from cat repellents, it is best to avoid using them altogether if possible. If you must use them, then make sure to follow the instructions carefully and only apply the product in areas where your dog cannot access it directly, such as on fences or walls, rather than on the ground where they could come into contact with it while playing outside. Additionally, try natural deterrents like lemon peels instead of chemical-based ones, which may be less likely to affect your pet’s health negatively over time.

If you do decide to use a cat repellent, then make sure that you keep an eye out for any signs of distress in your dog, such as excessive scratching, sneezing, coughing or vomiting after coming into contact with the product; this could indicate that they have been affected by its smell and should seek medical attention immediately if necessary. It is also important to remember that some breeds may be more sensitive than others, so take extra precautions when using any repellent around pets who fall into this category too.

Finally, always clean up any spills quickly so that there is no residue left behind which could still irritate your pet even after the application has stopped. This includes vacuuming up any granules which might have fallen onto carpets inside the house as well.

Key Takeaway: When using cat repellents, it is important to follow instructions carefully and keep an eye out for signs of distress in your dog. Clean up any spills quickly and consider natural deterrents such as lemon peels instead of chemical-based products.

FAQs in Relation to Do Cat Repellents Affect Dogs

How do I repel cats but not dogs?

an ultrasonic device to deter cats

Cats and dogs have different behaviours, so repelling one species may not necessarily work for the other. To repel cats but not dogs, you can use motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sound waves only audible to cats. You can also try natural deterrents such as citrus peels, coffee grounds, and lavender oil, which will make the area unappealing to cats without affecting dogs. Finally, covering plants with netting or chicken wire can help protect them from both animals while still allowing air and light through. With a combination of these methods, you should be able to keep your garden safe from unwanted feline visitors.

Do ultrasonic cat repellers affect other animals?

Yes, ultrasonic cat repellers can affect other animals. These devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are designed to deter cats from entering a specific area. However, these sound waves may also be heard by other animals, such as dogs and rodents, which could cause them distress or discomfort. Therefore it is important to consider the potential impact of using an ultrasonic cat repeller on any other animals in the vicinity before deciding whether or not to use one.

Do cat scarers affect other animals?

Yes, cat scarers can affect other animals. These devices are designed to emit loud noises or ultrasonic sounds that cats find unpleasant and thus deter them from entering an area. However, these same sounds may also be heard by other animals, such as birds, rodents, and even small mammals like squirrels. In some cases, the sound may cause distress or discomfort in these animals as well. It is important to consider this when deciding whether a cat scarer is appropriate for your garden or home environment.

Is there a cat alarm that doesn’t affect dogs?

Yes, there are cat alarms that don’t affect dogs. These devices use ultrasonic frequencies, which cats can hear but dogs cannot. This means that the alarm will only be heard by cats and not bother any nearby dogs. The range of these alarms varies depending on the model, so it’s important to check the specifications before purchasing one for your home or garden. Additionally, some models come with additional features such as motion sensors and night vision capabilities to provide even more protection from intruding felines.


In conclusion, it is important to understand that cat repellents can affect dogs if they are exposed to them. While there are some ways to protect your dog from the effects of cat repellents, such as using natural alternatives or keeping your pet away from areas where you have applied the repellent, it is best to consult with a veterinarian before making any decisions. Ultimately, understanding how do cat repellents affect dogs and what steps you can take to keep your pet safe will help ensure their health and safety in the long run.

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