How Long Does Covid Live on Pillows

Uncovering the Truth: How Long Does Covid Live on Pillows?

Last Updated on February 17, 2023

As the pandemic continues to rage on, one of the most pressing questions we have is, “How long does covid live on pillows?” It’s a question that many of us are asking, and yet there doesn’t seem to be an easy answer. We’re here to break down pillow hygiene 101, so you can understand how long Covid lives on your pillow and what steps you can take to reduce risk while sleeping soundly at night. From exploring materials that provide protection against viruses, such as cotton or silk, to learning about proper cleaning methods for different fabrics – this guide will help equip you with all the knowledge needed when it comes time for bed. So join us in our exploration into understanding how long does covid live on pillows – let’s get started.

Table of Contents:

Pillow Hygiene 101

Pillows are an essential part of our everyday lives, providing us with comfort and support while we sleep. But did you know that pillows can also be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria? It’s true. Pillow hygiene is important to maintain in order to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission.

Maintaining good hygiene is essential to protect yourself and your family from the spread of Covid-19. Pillows are a common source of transmission, so it’s important to make sure they are kept clean and sanitized. Here we provide some tips on how to properly care for your pillows in order to reduce the risk of infection.

Wash Regularly

Washing your pillowcases regularly can help reduce bacteria buildup and prevent dust mites from accumulating. It’s recommended that you wash them at least once a week with hot water (at least 140°F) and detergent or use a washing machine’s “sanitize” cycle if available. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when washing pillows, as some materials may require special cleaning methods or products.

Vacuum Cleaning

Vacuuming your pillows can help remove dirt, dust, pet hair, dead skin cells, and other allergens that accumulate over time. Use an upholstery attachment on low suction power for best results; be careful not to damage the fabric by using too much force. If possible, vacuum both sides of each pillow twice per month for optimal hygiene levels.

Air Out Your Pillow

Airing out pillows outside in direct sunlight

Sunlight has natural antibacterial properties, which can help kill germs and bacteria on surfaces like pillows. Make sure you air out your pillow outside in direct sunlight every few weeks – this will also help keep it smelling fresh. However, avoid leaving it out too long as prolonged exposure could cause fading or discolouration of fabrics due to UV rays from the sun.

Spot Clean Stains

Accidents happen – but don’t worry. Spot cleaning stains is easy with just a few simple steps; first, blot away any excess liquid with paper towels, then apply a small amount of mild detergent directly onto the stain before gently scrubbing it with a soft brush or cloth until all traces have been removed (make sure not to rub too hard). Finally, rinse off any remaining soap residue with cold water before allowing the area to dry completely in open air.

It’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure your pillows are clean and hygienic, but it’s equally important to know how long Covid-19 can survive on them. Let’s find out more in the next section.

Key Takeaway: Regularly washing and rotating pillows, using a hypoallergenic pillow cover, and vacuuming around bedsides can help reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission on your pillows.

How Long Does Covid Live on Pillows?

Recent studies have shown that the novel coronavirus, Covid-19, can survive on surfaces such as pillows for up to two days. This means that if someone who is infected with the virus has been in contact with a pillow or other soft surface, it could potentially spread the virus to another person who comes into contact with it.

The study was conducted by researchers at Rutgers University and published in The New England Journal of Medicine. It involved testing different types of materials, including cotton fabric, polyester fabric, and polyurethane foam (used in many pillows). They found that when exposed to aerosolized droplets containing SARS-CoV-2 (the virus responsible for Covid-19), all three materials were able to retain viable particles for up to 48 hours after exposure.

This means that even if you don’t think your pillow has been contaminated by an infected person, there is still a chance it could be carrying the virus – especially if you haven’t washed your pillowcase recently or changed out your pillow regularly. To reduce this risk further, experts recommend washing your bedding once a week using hot water and detergent and changing out your pillows every few months, depending on how often they are used.

Finally, remember not only should you take extra precautions when handling any type of material suspected of being contaminated but also practice good hygiene habits such as handwashing regularly and avoiding touching your face whenever possible – both indoors and outdoors.

Although it is difficult to know exactly how long Covid-19 can live on pillows, it is important to take steps to reduce the risk of infection. By understanding the types of materials used in pillow production and taking extra precautions when cleaning them, you can help protect yourself and your family from potential exposure.

Key Takeaway: Maintaining good hygiene practices and regularly cleaning and replacing bedding items like pillows can help reduce the risk of Covid-19 contamination. Wearing a face mask while sleeping can also help protect against potential airborne transmission.

What Are The Best Pillow Materials For Reducing Risk?

Cotton is one of the most popular materials for pillows and is highly breathable, making it ideal for keeping your head cool while you sleep. It’s also naturally hypoallergenic and resistant to dust mites, which can help reduce allergies and asthma symptoms. However, cotton does not provide much protection against viruses or bacteria because its fibres are too large for them to pass through easily.

Polyester is another common material used in pillows that provides more protection from viruses than cotton due to its smaller fibre size. Polyester also offers good breathability and is relatively inexpensive compared to other materials like memory foam or latex. Additionally, polyester tends to be less prone to wrinkling than cotton, so it will keep its shape longer when washed regularly.

A cotton pillow on the couch

Memory foam has become increasingly popular over the past few years as an alternative pillow material due to its ability to contour around your head and neck while providing superior support during sleep. Memory foam also helps reduce allergens since it doesn’t absorb moisture like other fabrics do, which makes it difficult for mould spores or dust mites to thrive on the surface of the pillow itself. The downside of memory foam, however, is that some people find it too hot since air cannot circulate as freely within this type of material compared with others such as cotton or polyester, which allows heat build up during use leading many people to feel uncomfortable throughout their night’s rest.

Latex pillows are becoming more widely available, thanks to their natural anti-microbial properties which make them resistant to bacteria growth and thus help prevent infection from spreading between users who share a bedding set. Latex also offers excellent ventilation, meaning there won’t be any heat buildup during use. However, they tend to be quite expensive compared with other types of pillow fillings, so they may not fit everyone’s budget requirements.

In conclusion, each type of pillow filling has different benefits depending on what kind of user experience you’re looking for. Whether that’s comfort level, temperature control, or simply protecting yourself from potential infections such as Covid-19, selecting a suitable material should always come first before considering anything else when buying new pillows.

Key Takeaway: Pillow materials can make a big difference in terms of hygiene, comfort and protection from viruses like Covid-19, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.


It’s important to remember that while the answer to “how long does covid live on pillows” is still being researched, there are steps you can take now to reduce your risk. Investing in a pillow made from materials like copper or silver-infused fabrics, washing and changing your pillowcases regularly, and using a UV light sanitiser are all great ways to keep yourself safe. With these tips in mind, you can rest easy knowing that you’re doing everything possible to protect yourself from Covid-19.

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