How to Store Pillows

Pillow Talk: How to Store Pillows Like a Pro!

Last Updated on February 17, 2023

Are you struggling to find the best way to store pillows? Look no further. We’ve got all the tips and tricks you need for properly storing your beloved pillows. From choosing the right storage containers, organizing it effectively, and ensuring your pillow’s longevity – we have everything covered in this guide on how to store pillows. So don’t let those feathery friends of yours become an afterthought; take a few minutes out of your day now and learn how you can keep them safe with our helpful advice.

Table of Contents:

Choose the Right Pillow Storage

When it comes to pillow storage, the right choice can make all the difference. Pillows are a major investment and should be treated with care. The wrong type of storage can cause them to become lumpy or misshapen over time, reducing their lifespan and comfort level. To ensure your pillows stay in good condition for years to come, you need to choose the right pillow storage solution.

One popular option is a breathable fabric bag. These bags allow air circulation while keeping dust mites and other allergens away from your pillows. Look for one made from natural fibres like cotton or linen, as these materials will help keep moisture out and prevent mould growth inside the bag. If you’re looking for something more stylish, try a decorative basket lined with fabric – this also allows air flow but looks great too.

Plastic containers with air holes are another great way to store your pillows safely without sacrificing style points. Make sure that any plastic container you use has plenty of ventilation so that moisture doesn’t build up inside – this could lead to mildew forming on your pillows over time if not properly ventilated. Choose clear containers so you can easily see what’s inside without having to open them each time you want to access them; just make sure they have tight-fitting lids, so nothing falls out when moving them around or storing them away in closets or cupboards.

Plastic storage boxes in different colours

If space is an issue, consider vacuum sealing bags specifically designed for storing bedding items such as pillows and duvets; these occupy a much smaller area than traditional pillow cases while still providing protection against dust mites and other allergens through tiny vents in the material. Furthermore, if you don’t mind displaying your bedding items openly, then why not opt for aesthetically pleasing baskets? Not only do they look great, but they also offer superior protection from dirt and dust buildup due to their tightly woven construction – adding a rustic charm wherever placed.

No matter which type of pillow storage solution you choose, always remembers that quality matters most when it comes to protecting valuable investments like bedding items. Taking extra steps now will save money and hassle later on down the line.

When it comes to storing your pillows, there are many different options available. Be sure to consider the size of your space and what type of storage will best suit your needs before making a decision. With that said, let’s take a look at how you can store your pillows properly for maximum comfort and longevity.

Key Takeaway: Pillow storage should be chosen carefully, as the wrong type can cause them to become lumpy or misshapen. Opt for breathable fabric bags, plastic containers with air holes, vacuum-sealed bags, or decorative baskets for superior protection and style.

Store Your Pillows Properly

Storing your pillows properly is essential for maintaining their shape, softness and comfort. Here are some tips to help you keep them in good condition:

1. Keep Them Away From Direct Sunlight

Pillows should be kept away from direct sunlight as it can cause fading and discolouration over time. It’s best to store them in a cool, dark place such as a closet or drawer.

2. Avoid Moisture

Excess moisture can lead to mould growth on the pillow, which is not only unsightly but also unhealthy. Make sure that any storage area you use is well-ventilated and dry so that your pillows don’t get damp or wet while stored away.

3. Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Too much heat or cold can damage the material of your pillow, making it less comfortable and durable over time. Try to find an area with moderate temperatures when storing your pillows – somewhere between 65°F (18°C) and 75°F (24°C).

4. Clean Regularly

Dust mites love warm, moist environments, so make sure you clean your pillows regularly using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter attachment or by washing them according to manufacturer instructions if they’re machine washable. This will help prevent dust mite infestations which can cause allergies and other health problems for those who suffer from asthma or respiratory issues.

5. Use A Pillow Protector

Investing in a quality pillow protector will go a long way towards protecting against dirt, stains, dust mites, bed bugs, mildew, mould, pet dander etc. Not only do these protectors extend the life of your pillow, but they also create an extra layer of protection against allergens.

When packing up seasonal items like blankets and duvets, try not to squish down on top of the pillows as this could cause permanent indentations which won’t come out no matter how many times you fluff it up.

By storing your pillows properly, you can ensure that they remain in top condition for a longer period of time. Additionally, organizing your pillow storage will help you maximize space and keep everything organized for easy access.

Key Takeaway: Storing pillows correctly is essential for keeping them comfortable and long-lasting, so keep them away from direct sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperatures and use a pillow protector.

Organize Your Pillow Storage

Labelling each bag or container with the type of pillow inside can help you quickly find what you need when it’s time for a change. For example, if you have multiple pillows that are used in different seasons, such as down-filled and memory foam pillows, label them accordingly so that you don’t get confused.

Stacking your pillows neatly will also make them easier to access and store. Place heavier items on the bottom and lighter ones on top for easy retrieval without having to dig through piles of bedding every time. If possible, try using an over-the-door shoe organizer or hanging shelf system to keep everything organized and within reach.

Pillows are stacked inside a cabinet

If space is limited in your bedroom or closet area, consider investing in some stackable containers with lids that fit snugly together when not in use. This way, you can easily store all of your extra pillows while keeping them dust free at the same time. You could even add labels onto these containers for added convenience when searching for a specific item later on down the line.

Finally, think about where best to store your pillows based on their size and shape. Under beds work well for larger items like body cushions, whereas smaller throw cushions may be better suited towards shelves or dressers depending on how much room they take up overall. With a bit of creativity and some trial and error, finding suitable storage solutions should become second nature in no time.

Key Takeaway: Organizing and labelling pillows is essential for easy access, while stackable containers with lids provide dust-free storage. Finding the best place to store your pillows depends on their size and shape.

FAQs in Relation to How to Store Pillows

How do you store pillows when not in use?

Pillows should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. It’s best to store them in an airtight container or plastic bag to keep out dust and moisture. If you don’t have any of these items, wrapping the pillow tightly with a sheet or blanket will also work. Make sure the pillow is completely covered so that no air can get inside and cause it to become damp or mouldy. Additionally, fluffing your pillows regularly helps maintain their shape and quality over time.

How do you store pillows at home?

Storing pillows at home can be a tricky task. To ensure they stay in good condition, it’s important to keep them away from direct sunlight and moisture. Consider investing in an airtight container or pillowcase that will protect your pillows from dust and dirt. Additionally, if you have multiple pillows, try stacking them on top of each other instead of having them spread out across the room; this will help conserve space while keeping your pillows safe and sound.

Can pillows be stored in vacuum bags?

Yes, pillows can be stored in vacuum bags. Vacuum storage bags are an effective way to store and protect your pillows from dust, dirt, moisture and other elements that could damage them. They also help reduce the amount of space needed for storage by compressing the contents inside the bag. When using a vacuum storage bag for pillows, make sure to follow all instructions carefully, as improper use may cause damage or harm to the pillow itself.


Storing pillows correctly is essential for keeping them in good condition and making sure they last longer. With the right storage solutions, you can keep your pillows looking great and ready to use when needed. Whether you choose a pillowcase or a storage box, make sure that it’s breathable so that your pillows stay fresh and dry. And don’t forget to store pillows in an area away from direct sunlight or heat sources to ensure their longevity.

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