how to oil an electric chainsaw

Learn How to Oil an Electric Chainsaw Easily and Quickly!

Last Updated on February 6, 2023

Maintaining your electric chainsaw is essential for keeping it in top condition and making sure it lasts. Oiling an electric chainsaw isn’t as intimidating as you might think – with the right tools, knowledge, and a little elbow grease, you can keep your saw running like new. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to oil an electric chainsaw. We’ll discuss what supplies to have on hand before starting to oil an electric chainsaw so that you’re well prepared. We’ll then take a look at how best to prepare your saw for lubrication before going through the steps of actually oiling it. Finally, we’ll troubleshoot some common issues that could arise while working on oiling an electric chain saw – all without breaking into a sweat.

Table of Contents:

What You Need to Oil an Electric Chainsaw

If you own an electric chainsaw, it’s important to oil it regularly in order to keep the saw running smoothly and efficiently. To do this, you will need a few items:

1. Oil – You should use a high-quality oil specifically designed for electric chainsaws. This type of oil is usually available at most hardware stores or online retailers.

2. Funnel – A funnel makes pouring the oil into your saw much easier and less messy than trying to pour directly from the bottle.

3. Rag – Have a rag handy so that you can wipe off any excess oil after filling up your saw with new lubricant.

4. Gloves – It’s always best practice to wear gloves when handling power tools like an electric chainsaw as they can be sharp and dangerous if not handled properly.

Before you can oil your electric chainsaw, you’ll need to ensure that it is properly prepared. Read on for tips on how to do this.

How to Prepare Your Chainsaw for Oiling

Before you can oil your electric chainsaw, it’s important to make sure that the chain and bar are clean. Dirt and debris can clog up the saw, so it’s best to give them a good cleaning before adding any oil.

Start by turning off the power switch on your chainsaw and removing the spark plug wire from its socket. This will prevent accidental start-ups while you work on preparing your saw for oiling.

a person holding a yellow equipment

Next, use a brush or cloth to wipe away dirt and debris from both sides of the chain and bar. Be careful not to press too hard as this could damage some of the parts inside your chainsaw. Once all visible dirt has been removed, use an air compressor or compressed air canister to blow away any remaining dust particles that may be stuck in between links in the chain or around other areas of the saw.

Finally, check over each link in the chain for signs of wear such as nicks or cracks which may indicate that it needs replacing soon. If this is found then stop using it immediately until a new one is installed correctly by a qualified technician. If everything looks okay then move onto lubricating with oil.

By taking the time to properly prepare your chainsaw for oiling, you will ensure that it runs smoothly and safely. Now let’s move on to how to actually oil an electric chainsaw.

How to Oil an Electric Chainsaw

When it comes to oiling an electric chainsaw, the process is fairly straightforward. To begin, you’ll need a few supplies: chain saw oil, a funnel or measuring cup for pouring the oil into the reservoir and a rag or paper towel for wiping away any excess.

First, locate your chainsaw’s oil reservoir. This will be located on either side of the motor housing near where the bar connects to the engine. Once you’ve found it, use your funnel or measuring cup to pour in enough chain saw oil until it reaches just below the “full” line marked on the reservoir.

Next, turn on your chainsaw and let it run at idle speed for several minutes while slowly running its chain through its guide bar multiple times in order to spread out and evenly distribute the new lubricant throughout all of its moving parts. After this step is complete, turn off your chainsaw and wipe away any excess lubricant with a rag or paper towel before putting everything back together again.

Finally, check that all screws are tight and secure before using your electric chainsaw again as normal. With regular maintenance like this every month or so (depending on how often you use your machine), you can keep your electric chainsaw running smoothly for years to come.

By following the steps outlined above, you should now have a better understanding of how to oil an electric chainsaw. However, if you are still having difficulty with your chainsaw, then our next section will cover some common troubleshooting tips.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Not Enough Oil

gallon of oil for the equipment

This can cause your chainsaw to overheat and potentially damage its internal components. To ensure you’re using the right amount of oil, always refer to your owner’s manual for specific instructions on how much oil should be used in each application. Additionally, make sure that all parts are properly lubricated before use.

Too Much Oil

On the other hand, too much oil can also be a problem when it comes to electric chainsaws. Excess amounts of oil can clog up the motor and lead to poor performance or even worse – complete failure. To avoid this issue, always measure exactly how much oil you need for each application and never add more than what is recommended by your manufacturer’s instructions. Additionally, check for any signs of excess build-up around the chain bar after each use as this could indicate that too much has been added during previous applications.

Key Takeaway: It is important to use the correct amount and type of oil when oiling an electric chainsaw. Always refer to your manufacturer’s instructions for specific amounts and types of oil needed, measure how much you need, and check for any signs of excess build-up after each use.

FAQs in Relation to How to Oil an Electric Chainsaw

Does an electric chainsaw need oil?

Yes, electric chainsaws need oil. This is to ensure that the chain and bar are lubricated properly while in use. Without this, the saw could overheat or cause damage to itself due to friction between its components. It’s important to check your manual for the type of oil required as well as how often it needs changing. Additionally, be sure not to overfill with oil when refilling; too much can lead to leaks and other problems.

What type of oil do you put in an electric chainsaw?

The type of oil you should use in an electric chainsaw depends on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Generally, a lightweight motor oil such as SAE 10W-30 or SAE 5W-30 is recommended for most electric chainsaws. It is important to check your owner’s manual for specific instructions and requirements before adding any oil to your chainsaw. If you are unsure about which type of oil to use, it is best to contact the manufacturer directly for advice. Be sure to use the correct type and amount of oil for your chainsaw, as using the wrong oil can cause damage to your machine.

What happens if you run an electric chainsaw without bar oil?

Running an electric chainsaw without bar oil can cause serious damage to the machine. The bar and chain require lubrication to reduce friction, heat and wear. Without it, the metal parts will grind against each other leading to excessive wear and tear on both components. This can lead to costly repairs or even a complete replacement of the chainsaw. Furthermore, running an electric chainsaw without bar oil increases the risk of kickback which can be dangerous for operators. It is important that you always use fresh bar oil when operating your electric chainsaw for optimal performance and safety.


Learning how to oil an electric chainsaw can help keep your machine running smoothly and efficiently. With the right tools, preparation, and technique, you can easily oil your electric chainsaw to ensure it continues to perform its best. If you ever run into any issues while trying to oil an electric chainsaw, remember there are plenty of resources available online or from your local hardware store that can help get you back on track. So go ahead and give it a try – just don’t forget the oil.

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