How to Tighten a Rotary Washing Line

A Complete Guide on How to Tighten a Rotary Washing Line

Last Updated on January 10, 2023

A rotary line is a great way of drying your clothes in the sunshine and fresh air. However, if you’ve had your rotary model for a while, you may be experiencing a decrease in your line tension, of which the telltale sign is a sagging line.

And, while you can still hang your clothes on a sagging washing line, it might not be quite as effective in drying your clothes. Not to mention, if you hang your clothes on a sagging line, some of your clothes might touch the ground and get dirty.

This post will show you how to tighten a rotary washing line in a new or old line.

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Tighten a Washing Line

Step 1: Lock Out the Arms of the Rotary Line

Start by locking out the arms of the rotary washing line. First, make sure that it is installed properly. Next, extend the arms and then examine the state of the new/old washing line. If your washing line is still sagging once the rotary line’s arms are extended, you need to tighten the washing line.

Step 2: Change the Washing Line Distribution to Adjust the Tension

The next thing that you need to do is change the distribution of the washing line until it’s even. The washing line should be equally distributed on all the sections of the rotary dryer.

Start by adjusting the line that is close to the main pole. Next, gently push the line to distribute the tension evenly along all the arms of the rotary dryer. After that, move to the other lines, then adjust them following the same steps.

Step 3: Move the Plastic Collar in an Upward Direction

Once you finish redistributing the washing line on the arms, move the collar of the rotary washing line in an upward direction. In some models, the central collar of the rotary washing line might be made from plastic, so watch out that you apply too much pressure and crack or break it.

Step 4: Repeat the Steps

As a washing line might have different levels of tightness, you have to repeat the whole procedure until you reach your preferred level of tension. So while tightening your washing line can be quite cumbersome at first, you will quickly have familiarised yourself with the whole process.

Step 5: Test Whether the Rotary Washing Line Works Effectively

To avoid any complications that may occur, you have to test whether the washing line works effectively or not.

One of the simplest tests is to hang some wet clothes on it and check if it sags. If it still has too much, remove the clothes and continue to tighten the lines until you’re satisfied.

Tightening the Rotary Washing Line With a Tension Clip

Some rotary lines might feature a tension clip, a fantastic small appliance that makes it easier for you to tighten a sagging line. Below we will guide you through using one of these handy gadgets.

Step 1: Open the Tension Clip

Start by opening the tension clip. You do this by pinching the plate that moves around the clip.

Step 2: Unfasten the Loose End

Once the tension clip is open, you will see two thread ends; a knotted end and a loose end. Unfasten the loose thread from the clip, but do not touch the knotted end. Otherwise, you might lose it completely.

Step 3: Adjust the Line Tension of the Thread to Tighten It

You have to pull/move the loose thread until you achieve a certain level of line tension. However, the rotary washing line should not be too tight. A tight washing line may snap easily if the tension is too high. Therefore, do not pull on it too much.

Step 4: Fasten the Washing Line on the Clip

The next thing that you need to do is to fasten the loose end of the thread around the tensioner. Again, you have to be quick while fastening it so as not to lose any tension.

Step 5: Place the Washing Line in the Tensioner

Once you have fastened the line around the tensioner, place it back into the tensioner. Again, make sure that you secure the thread well enough so that it doesn’t come loose.

Step 6: Close the Tensioner

Close the tensioner by simply moving the top opening plate back to its initial position. This should then lock into the other plate securing the rotary washing line in place.

Keep It Tight

As tight rotary washing lines tend to be more effective at allowing clothes to dry than sagging lines, we recommend checking the line tension now and then and re-tightening them as needed. It may be slightly time-consuming to perform, and you may not always think of it at the right time. However, remember that tight rotary lines will provide you with faster drying results.

What are your favourite methods of drying your clothes? And, do you have any top tips to share with other readers on the topic of rotary lines and us? Let us know in the comments below!

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