Last Updated on February 23, 2023
Have you ever wondered how to cook chips in a halogen oven? You’re not alone. A halogen oven can be a versatile and popular accessory for the modern home kitchen. A halogen oven can cook chips to golden brown perfection and is excellent for fast and delicious meals.
Depending on the kind of halogen ovens you buy, you can make everything from soft and golden brown potato chips and potato slices to whole chicken, baked potatoes, and more.
Of course, to get the best possible chips from your halogen oven, you first need to learn how to use the device effectively. When you cook frozen chips or homemade chips in a halogen oven, you will have some slightly different instructions to follow.
Cooking Chips in the Halogen Oven: Methods and Tips
Always start by reading the cooking instructions provided with your new halogen oven. This will give you a sense of how much fat you should include in your chip-making process and whether you need to preheat your device.
Next, prepare your chips. It is also possible to cook frozen chips in a halogen oven, so you are not always need to take out the chip maker and start chopping potatoes for your own homemade chips.
If you want to make chips from scratch, there are plenty of easy recipes online, and you can ensure chip making is quick and simple with access to a chip cutter.
Tips for Prepping Your Potatoes
• Decide whether to cook them with or without the skin: You might want to peel your potatoes depending on the kind of chips you prefer.
• Wash your potatoes: Remember to wash potatoes to remove any excess starch that might stop the chips from cooking properly.
• Cut your chips to size: Keep the size of your halogen oven in mind when you’re chopping up your potatoes. You don’t want the chips to be too long for the basket.
• Pat your chips dry: This helps remove excess starch and water. You can also apply a small amount of oil at this stage.
Method 1: Pre-boil Your Chips Before Cooking
In a halogen oven, you can cook chips using a variety of techniques. The first and most common option is to pre-boil and cook your chips. This is a well-known method for creating chips with much less fat. If you’re worried about calories, this could be the best baking method for you.
Pre-boiling your potatoes until the chips are nearly soft means you can use a lower temperature and very little oil when cooking. Follow these simple steps when cooking chips with this first method:
• Place your prepared chips in a pan of water, so they’re fully covered.
• Bring the water to a boil and leave it for a few minutes.
• Remove the chips from the pan and allow them to cool for a few minutes before patting them dry.
• Lightly coat your chips with a minimal amount of oil and seasoning. Allow the oil to seep into the chips.
• Set the temperature for your chips in your halogen oven (usually around 150C).
• Cook for 10 to 15 minutes and check to see if the chips are ready. They need to be cooked thoroughly.
• When the chips are almost fully cooked, turn them up to 200C for a crispy finish.
Remember to set the temperature of your halogen oven correctly. Setting high temperatures too quickly can burn your chips. You’ll also need to ensure the chips are perfectly boiled in the pan, even if this means your cooking time is much longer.
This method takes a while, as you need to boil and bake your chips.
Method 2: Cooking Your Chips The Easy Way
If you’re not interested in necessarily preheating your chips or boiling them before you use your halogen oven, you can take a more straightforward approach. Prepare your chips and throw them immediately into your halogen oven. Don’t forget to spray the chips with a bit of oil to help them heat to a golden brown colour with a soft middle.
You will need to keep checking on your chips as soon as you start cooking. Usually, you’ll need to cook at around 180C for around 15 minutes, then continue cooking at a higher temperature to get the golden-brown finish.
Remember to remove water from your chips with a small amount of paper towel before you start cooking, as the excess water can change the cooking times.
How Do You Cook Sweet Potato Chips in a Halogen Oven?
You can cook all kinds of chips in a halogen oven once you learn to use one correctly. Whether you prefer sweet potatoes or regular potatoes, learning how to cook chips in a halogen oven is pretty straightforward if you follow the above methods.
A halogen oven is an energy-efficient way to cook all kinds of food with minimal oil. Depending on your needs, you can make soft fluffy chips or crispy chicken. Once you get the hang of the methods and experiment with the temperature, you’ll be cooking many recipes like a pro!
Can You Deep Fry in a Halogen Oven?
Generally, it’s not recommended to deep fry in a halogen oven because you’ll be using the fan temperature in the oven to cook your chips. Adding too much fat or oil to the chips in your oven could clog up the fan and ruin the cooking process.
You may end up breaking your halogen oven easily if you try to use it as a deep fryer. However, you can use the methods above to create an experience similar to deep-fried chips without using a huge amount of oil and fat.
How Do You Air Fry in a Halogen Oven?
While using your halogen oven as a deep fryer might not be an option, you can use the oven to roast, steam, or even air fry your food in some cases.
A halogen oven can be a perfect accessory for small spaces, as you can use it for cooking food at a range of different temperatures in different ways.
If you want to avoid the fat of deep frying, spray a little oil onto your chips, chicken, or other foods, and check for the right temperatures to cook at in your instructions.
Many halogen ovens come with special air fryer attachments, which allow you to adapt the cooking process for an air frying effect. If the other methods for air frying mentioned above don’t work for you, you can use the previous method and cook your chips directly in your halogen oven with the air fryer attachment.
The air fryer attachment will allow you to cook at the fan part of the oven with a useful rack. Remember to clean the rack carefully after using this method.
Can Anyone Cook Chips in a Halogen Oven?
As you’ve seen, learning how to cook chips in a halogen oven is not complicated. It’s possible to cook frozen chips or potato slices in a halogen oven or even transform your halogen oven into an air fryer and use it that way.
Although you might have to experiment with the fan oven temperature and cook at a low temperature followed by a hot temperature to create brown and crispy food, most people get the hang of cooking with a halogen oven in no time.
To ensure your halogen oven produces brown, delicious food, remember to keep your halogen oven flat on your kitchen work surface and use a paper towel to soak up moisture from your potatoes before you cook them.
Paul is the type of person who never met a problem he couldn’t fix. He can always be found tinkering with something in his house, even if it isn’t broken! His tips and tricks are often shared on our site. He’s the one you call when something breaks because he has been known to improvise fixes for everything from leaky faucets to malfunctioning dryers.