How to Secure a Bird Table to the Ground

How to Secure a Bird Table to the Ground: Improve the Feel of Your Garden

Last Updated on January 10, 2023

Are you wondering how to secure a bird table to the ground?

After you’ve invested in a beautiful bird table for your garden, the last thing you want is it to fall over as soon as a bird lands on it, or there’s a strong gust of wind. Unfortunately, no matter what kind of bird feeders you invest in, there’s always a chance that the table will topple unless it’s properly secured. Fortunately, there are things you can do to make your table more stable.

Today, we’re going to be looking at all the steps you’ll need to take to secure your bird table safely in your chosen location. Let’s get started.

Where Is the Best Place to Put a Bird Table?

Adding sunflower seeds to bird feeders

The first step in setting up a secure bird table is choosing where you’re going to place it. Knowing where to place your bird table is crucial before you begin using any stabiliser pegs or anchoring components to secure the table to the ground.

Think about where you’re most likely to get the highest number of birds visiting your garden and how the breeze blows through your space. Choosing a spot where your table will be sheltered from the wind might be a good choice for appealing to birds, and it could also reduce the risk of your bird table falling over too.

Ensure that the space you choose has a sturdy foundation, don’t pick anything with a slope. When picking a position for your bird table, make sure it’s:

  •  Quiet: A quiet space will be more appealing to birds. Flying creations don’t enjoy being disturbed by a lot of human traffic. You’ll get more attention from all kinds of birds if you choose a quiet space that’s out of the way. You should still be able to see the table. However, otherwise, you won’t enjoy the experience.
  • Safe and open: There should be a good all-around view so that your birds can see straight away if any predators are approaching them as they feed. Keep the bird table away from any neighbours with dogs or cats unless you want a catastrophe.
  • Sheltered: A place that doesn’t get too much cold rain or wind and is properly protected against the sunlight is often a good idea.
  • A good lookout point: A small bush or a fenced area close to the bird table will give your birds a chance to check out the table carefully before they fly down to perch. It might be important to building initial trust.
  • Sturdy: Avoid any loose ground or dirt that could make it harder to mount your table accordingly. Additionally, there should be nothing overhead that would prevent a bird from flying off, such as an overhanging tree or a washing line.

Preparing the Site for the Bird Table

Once you’ve carefully chosen a place for your bird table, you could consider using a bird feeder in that location or other products on the lawn for a day or two to see if you get any attention from birds when the weather is right. Once you know the area is suitable for birds, you can begin to prep space.

Start by making sure the site is level. Remove anything that causes the garden pathway to slope, and make sure that you cut or remove any grass and plants that might get in your way. Having a bird table situated on some overgrown lawn could mean that it’s easier for it to tip over. You’ll also have a harder time adding things like stabiliser or anchoring pegs to this area.
Remove anything nearby the bird table that might chase your feathered friends away, too, such as hedges and areas where predators might be able to hide.

Once your site is ready, you can begin looking for the bird tables that are best suited to your back garden or front yard.

How to Secure and Stabilise Your Bird Table

There are various ways on how to secure a bird table to the ground. The key to success is figuring out which strategy is best suited to the kind of bird table you have and the surface you’ll be securing it to. If you have a lightweight table, for instance, you can start by looking for ways to weigh it down (without ruining the attractiveness of the table). Adding many hanging bird feeders around the table with wire will keep it secured when the winds pick up.

You could also add feeders to the roof of the table to create additional weight without harming the overall look of the item. Remember that you’ll need to add weight evenly around all the legs to avoid the bird table from being too weighted on one side. Other stabiliser options include:

Securing the Legs

Securing the legs of your bird table to a patio slab is a great way to improve the strength of the table. If you have a smaller bird table, then one slap should be enough. Alternatively, you can use four slabs organised into a square to suit a larger bird table stabiliser. You can place slabs on top of soil, gravel, stones, or concrete. Just make sure that the design of the slabs suits your garden. Drill a hole through the lowest part of the support legs for your bird table anchoring.

Burying the Pole

Another way to secure your bird tables is to bury the pole attachment for the table into the ground. It is one of the more appealing strategies to use because it shouldn’t detract from the appearance of your table at all. You’ll need a 2–3-foot metal pole, and you’ll drill a hole on the understanding of the post your bird table stands on. This hole will attach the table to the metal pole, which anchors your bird table firmly to the ground.

Try Stabilising Pegs

Another of the more popular strategies to use. There are many products designed by manufacturers of garden accessories to help lock your bird table to the ground. These products often come in various shapes and sizes to suit different types of garden. For instance, you might use bird table anchoring pegs made from wood or metal. You can also make your own stabiliser pegs from similar materials. The pegs you use to attach to your bird table, and you can secure them into the ground with angle brackets or by simply embedding them into the soil.

Tips for Stabilising Your Bird Table

Most of the time, stabiliser pegs from a bird table manufacturer or a well-known garden accessories vendor should be enough to protect the birds on your table from toppling with high winds. However, it’s important to ensure you use the right kind of products to defend your table.

For instance, one of the best things you can do is check the information available for the different sizes of pegs you can get. Though it’s tempting to get the smaller peg to do the job if you’re worried about damaging your grass, a longer steel peg will be more reliable. When you’re securing your bird table to the ground, remember to:

Choose the Right Style of Stabiliser

Make sure that you choose the peg pack that’s most likely to work in your garden. If you have a very lightweight but large bird table, you might want to look for a steel length and some tools that will allow you to attach your table to the concrete surrounding it.

Check On Your Stabilisers

Whether you’re securing your bird tables with a little bit of light metal chain or you’re using paving slabs, it’s important to check the stability of your solution from time to time. You may need to replace pegs if they begin to rust and bend, for instance.

Look For Guidance

The manufacturer who created your bird table might be one of the best people to tell you how to secure your table to the ground. These professionals have more information about the kind of tools most likely to do the job effectively.

Double-Check the Positioning

Make sure you’re comfortable with the location of your bird table before you secure it. You don’t want to have to redo the job of finding a spot that’s close enough to your window ledges for viewing nature but far enough away to keep your birds feeling comfortable and secure.

Consider Working With a Professional

If your search for the right stabiliser solution for your gardens feels too complicated, it might help to work with a professional. You should find a person with landscaping skills who can help tackle any problem you have with your table and stabiliser choices. Search online for a name for someone local, or check out garden experts on social media.


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Start Setting Up Your Bird Table

For a lover of nature, a bird table is one of the best ways to improve the look and feel of your garden. However, if you want to avoid buying one new table after enough, you will need to invest in the right stabiliser solution. The more time you spend looking for an excellent stabiliser system now, the less likely it is that you’ll have to disturb nature with new stabiliser options in the future.

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